Achievable Attainable Addiction Accreditation
Getting accredited is like volunteering to take a final examThe Joint Commission DEFINITION: Accreditation is a process in which an entity, separate and distinct from the health care organization, usually non-governmental, assesses the health care organization to determine if it meets a set of standards requirements designed to improve quality of care. This voluntary process provides a visible commitment by an organization to continually ensure a safe environment for its patients and staff.
Accreditation puts every policy, procedure and activity of an organization under scrutiny. The examiners, or "surveyors" as they're called in the accreditation process, are experienced leaders in the field, trained to take an objective look and critically review the operations they see. They actually offer more than a test of knowledge or skills.
Accreditation is an opportunity to review what you are doing and focus so that you can continually to getting better. It's really a commitment to quality improvement over the long haul. An opportunity to pursue quality and quality processes.
Why accreditation is important to you?
The information age has given us a world of consumer reports, product reviews and informed buyers.
When it comes to something as important as health care, consumers should also be looking for quality control and independent review.
You want to see that plaque on the wall. You want a facility that meets that national standard, and when you’re looking at an accredited facility you can rest assured that all the people their have contributed to that process. You can feel confident that the care you receive in that building meets the test. It’s important for the people served by the facility to understand the role accreditation plays in bringing teams together to focus on continually improving their work at the facility.
Accreditation is a version of the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval or as a yardstick to measure what we do, and it is those things, but it's so much more. Ultimately, it's the patients who benefit. It builds on our standards of excellence. It's the best way to measure the quality and atmosphere of an institution.
Participating in accreditation tells the world that we've made a commitment to excellence, and that our roles within your facilities are more than just jobs. We're here because we're dedicated to providing you with the best possible health care we can give.
What you should love most about accreditation is that the standards are the same throughout this huge country. It doesn't matter whether we're practicing in a mega urban teaching institution or home care. You can expect the same standard of care, or better, than anyone else in USA will receive.