Affordable & Attainable Accreditation for Addiction Treatment Providers GET 855-WAATMEd
Better Days A Menthal Health Recovery Workbook, Craig Lewis


WAATME was developed in direct response to the national opioid epidemic, is for-profit, NOT publicly traded, does NOT have affiliates, does NOT accept donations from Big Pharma, The Marijuana Agenda, or any other drug company thereby they do NOT have any influence on our Accreditation or Certification Standards or Crosswalks best practices.

No representative from any Pharmaceutical Corporation, The Marijuana Agenda, or any other drug company is on the Board of WAATME.

WAATME is a free and ethical third-party entity.

WAATME is a third-party credentialing organization working in partnership with all government agencies throughout the United States, and abroad to implement attainable policies for recovery residences to educate, and eliminate opioid, heroin, fentanyl overdoses. WAATME was founded to establish specified requirements, and processes for compliant organizations. WAATME discovered early on that this will only be achievable through the use of force by government agencies as recovery residences have been unwilling to comply.

WAATME has experienced teams of well-respected clinical, and medical doctors, credentialed, and other certified professionals to oversee all management of credentialing, accreditation, and on-site inspections.

Our accreditation process formally educates the actual owner of the property, manager/management of the property with online courses, also ensuring that Narcan & AED's are on-site to further save lives in case of potential overdoses or other health issue emergencies. We implement a wellness policy, or approve a current wellness plan on-site, ensure community resolution compliance policies to resolve neighborhood problems with our teams of professionals. WAATME enforces recovery residences or insurance companies to implement a round-trip-ticket for patients that fly in from other states thereby eliminating potential crime on the streets when recovery residences kick their patients to your local neighborhood curb, yet now, with WAATME accreditation roundtrip tickets back to their state of origin is a part of credentialing approval.

State Urgency or Complexity

The degree of urgency and complexity of requirements needed can be limited or comprehensive depending on state decisions. The limited version is the state can mandate accreditation online through WAATME, and mandate addiction treatment providers comply. The comprehensive version, includes the limited version, yet also includes the state contracting WAATME as a third-party for comprehensive reformation statewide to create radical change. To investigate, align, and execute an advanced researched plan to develop a state model. There are opportunities to generate revenue back to the state, and back to the addiction treatment providers making WAATME accreditation profitable for all involved, yet more importantly, saving lives everyday.

States that mandate WAATME accreditation will benefit from fines charged for those addiction treatment providers that do not secure accreditation in a timely manner thereby generating millions in revenue back to the state.

What we do is twofold:

  1. Solely provide online certification and/or accreditation for addiction treatment providers.
  2. Provide online certification and/or accreditation for addiction treatment providers & comprehensive reformation statewide through highly qualified teams of the top addiction doctoral credentialed, licensed, or certified professionals from around the country, fly them in as boots-on-the-ground to investigate, and create a model for each state through accelerated assessments, forensic investigations, research, and development, to align and execute successful plans thereby creating a model that is state specific.

Dr. Nicki Pike, Psy.D - Master Therapist, Diplomate & Board Fellow.

"Clients and the professionals will know with WAATME accreditation criteria if the treatment centers, sober living homes, or medical detox centers they are choosing have policies in place to protect against the prescription drug epidemic, and why would a client choose an addiction healthcare provider that is not willing to be accredited by a third-party? Another important question when exploring options is to understand the corporations behind a facility and how they benefit. It is the easiest accreditation to acquire, if they are willing."